Welcome to Sarah's Emporium - Minimum Order Amount is $10
It raises your vibration, helps you connect with your higher self’s above.
Service Description
This is also like the chakra healing, Crystal provides, that you’ll only need one time ever. This is done over 2 days-Approximately one hour each visit. Flooding your body and axiatonal lines with energy from the cosmos’s. Raising your vibration, feeling the Pleiadian love & also releasing 51% of karma from your chakras (so you’re dropping and releasing, not accruing more) you are now on an infinite feed system) it opens and uncaps your chakras, so the debris can flow out and alternates the spin of the seven major chakras so one cannot get stuck or smudged, because the other one will pull it back into motion. It raises your vibration, helps you connect with your higher self’s above. You’ll always receive energy upgrades, pulling down magnetic & electrical energy currents to keep raising and living in higher vibrations consciously. It drops the fear factor -you do not have to live in the chaos or be part of it. It accelerates your life’s path & helps you manifest faster. You will feel people entrain to your higher vibration (therefore whoever you are in close contact with - working or living with it will also boost their vibration)helps you pull down aspects & versions of your higher self into your physical body & when you’re aligned with this, it helps you heal physically, emotionally, & mentally. $333 for 2 days-1 hour each
Contact Details
158 Main Street, Spencer, MA, USA
Sarah's Emporium, Main Street, Spencer, MA, USA